Cambridge Global Challenges (CGC) is the Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC) of the University of Cambridge focused on addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We seek to promote collaboration between the Global South and Global North in order to drive southern-led agendas.
What is an IRC?
Interdisciplinary Research Centres increase the impact of existing expertise within the University by bringing together interdisciplinary networks from across the Schools. They facilitate research collaborations and knowledge exchange within and without the University with the aim of addressing multidisciplinary research challenges, increasing research capacity and promoting international partnerships.
What we do
Adopting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a blueprint set by the United Nations to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all by 2030 – we support the partnerships and the work of academic researchers and implementers who, together, can successfully deliver research projects that respond to the challenges faced by communities in the Global South. Achieving this requires recognition that the SDGs are inherently multi-faceted and cannot be addressed in isolation, but require interdisciplinary research approaches.
Who we are
CGC currently involves over 700 researchers from across the University of Cambridge and collaborators in low-income countries.
You can find more about our governance structure here or email us.
Our Partners
CGC works with networks across the university including other SRIs, SRNs & IRCs & several Cambridge Institutes including: