Frank has a keen interest in how intellectual property (IP) can help with accelerating sustainability transitions, achieving sustainable development goals and implementing the circular economy. He has a particular interest in how product-service systems (PSS) combine products, services and digital infrastructure into integrated solutions to provide value rather than selling products.
Together with international colleagues in 2018, Frank started IPACST, a Belmont Forum-funded three year inter- and multi-disciplinary project studying the role and usage of IP for sustainability transitions and sustainable business models in the energy field. The project includes the investigation of the case of India and a commitment to impact on the lives of the world’s poorest 3 billion people.
Frank’s interest in sustainability – and consequent motivation to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals through the participation in Cambridge Global Challenges – was sparked when he co-founded ARKTIK in 2008, a German- based award-winning climate care company for compensating CO2 mobility emissions.